Marked Cards using NU-CONcept Technology (TM)

Learn how to make your own marked cards! - literally as simple as writing or drawing

NU-CONcept presents the finest in "shade" marked card technology

for the most popular playing cards as well as KEM


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Pricing and   page

All photos of NU-CONcept Marked Cards and text on these web pages are copyrighted 2001 ©

Standard professional marked cards 
(block-out & scroll work) 
marked cards using "Shade"

"NU-CONcept "Shade" Marked cards are
less expensive than
Standard Professionally Marked Cards & better !"

Standard Professionally Marked Cards are visible to everybody who knows where to look

(Examples below)

bicycle traditional marked cardsBee professional marked cards


NU - CON cept "Shade" Marked Cards:

marked cards bicycle small

NU-CONcept Luminous Solution or daub/paste vs.

Standard Professionally Marked Cards using "block-out", "scroll-work", etc.

  • Undetectable by the naked eye, 
even if you know were the marks are.


    Example of a Luminous Shade marked card:

    luminous marked card before & after image

  • Marks are Visible to everybody, if you know where to look
  • Easy to read cards near or far
  • Difficult to see from across the table
  • Marks use numbers (A-K) and suite letter (CHDS). Therefore, reading marks are very intuitive.

Or you can use custom encoded patterns which will look like shadows to someone else who may have a filter gimmick trying to catch you with a marked deck

  • You must memorize marking patterns which are standard (i.e. Once you know the standard marking schemes, you know them all and so will everyone else who bought them)
  • Marks cannot be seen by using "Riffle test"
  • Marks can easily be seen by "Riffle test" used by casinos and gamblers "in-the-know"
  • Price keeps secret only among people who are serious about using the "Shade" vs. people who are simply curious (Secret stays within a more exclusive group of people)
  • Many people know the secret behind standard marks. Therefore, you are more likely to be exposed when Standard Professionally Marked Cards are used.
  • If people spend more money to learn secret, they will be less likely to show others how marks work (Again, secret stays within a more exclusive group of people)
  • More people who know secret of standard marks. Therefore, you are more likely to be exposed

NU-CONcept sells Luminous, and JUICE solutions

Marking patterns used: Large or small Juice style markings, Flash or Tint work

(Each solution or paste comes with an instruction manual which explains the various marking patterns which are most practical and you can develop your own variations since you now own the solution)



(It is illegal and immoral to use these marked cards while gambling in private or casino games)

